New Beginnings // Not a Coincident

I have a desk, a chair, and a laptop. All of which are brand spanking new to me, however, I am rusty at writing, nor do I think I was any good at it when I had a blog many years ago. But, here I sit reopening my old Blogger account.  

A quick back story... Recently I was asked to give my testimony at a ladies event put on by my church. I said, "yes." I shared only a snippet of my testimony. I didn't speak for too long, probably just at fifteen minutes. Since sharing my testimony I’ve been sweetly encouraged by other sisters in Christ, and have been asked, “Do you write?” Other than writing out my prayers, no I don't write. And after pondering the encouragement, well, here I sit typing right now in this first blog post since my last one many, many years ago. And now I pray. "Lord, please reveal to me what it is that you want me to write about. Help me be your servant through the flow of written words while being a light to the testimony of Your Word. In Jesus' Name, Amen"

Below I am going to copy and paste a quick note I typed on the evening that my laptop arrived. I'm titling it Not a Coincident. 

Today is Tuesday February 22, 2022

This morning in prayer I was asking the Lord to lead me in a way that I’d understand if He desires for me to write. In that specific moment with those thoughts in my heart and my mind towards the Lord, the doorbell rang. I quickly got up to see who it was. I looked through the eye spot on the door and realized that it was a delivery. My new laptop that my husband ordered me had arrived just as my prayer was going upwards. Thing is, my rose gold colored laptop, nothing spiffy- no bells and whistles with this computer, was purchased with intention for me to start writing, and yet I was still praying for clarity- should I write, do you (God) want me to write, what should I write? Now, my laptop was not supposed to be delivered until tomorrow, at least that is what the shipping expectation said. In fact, I was to remain home all day long on Wednesday because the shipping instructions said that someone must receive the package, indicating they can’t leave it at the door. Well, it was delivered today in the middle of my praying, "Lord, lead me, show me, if it is of You that I should write," thankfully I was home to receive it.

A prayer, the doorbell ring, the means by which I will write (the laptop) arrives all in the same moment- a coincident? No, I don’t believe so. If this is not a coincidence, I believe it is confirmation that, yes indeed, the Lord wants me to start writing. And now, what do I write about?

I don't know how often I can get on here to write, hopefully at least twice a month. I am still homeschooling my 10 & 12 year old children and I help teach a homeschool co-op, so between that and all the other hats I wear it may be difficult to write as often as I wish to. I imagine that I will share pieces of my life where Jesus has brought me healing, stories of beauty from ashes. I also love to read, so I'm sure I'll have book reviews to share. We are a homeschooling family; I wouldn't be surprised if homeschooling topics are sprinkled in somewhere here on the blog. My husband and I are blessed to be parents of 4 children some of which have adoption stories, so maybe I'll write about adoption. I have struggled with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. I still take medicine to keep my mental health strong, it's a gift from the Lord- I would like to write about this.
Whatever I write, whether it’s full of joyful & happy, or even if the struggles are deep & the thoughts are dark, I pray that I will be a light that points my readers to Jesus Christ.


  1. This is Elizabeth (oldfashionedeliza) from Instagram and the old blogging days. I am SO pleased you are blogging again. You are a great writer and I loved your old blogs- you were/ ARE good at it :-)

    The LiberAmans in my name is Latin for Book Lover.

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth! I'm hoping to write more often. Hugs! -Deanna


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